Triple Cooked Gastro Chips

Code: 1401
Code: 1401

Triple Cooked Gastro Chips

Made from the best potatoes, thick-cut and triple-cooked. These are proper pub chips brought to your home.
  • High Protein


Typical Values per 100g per serving
Energy Kcal 257 771
Energy KJ 1072 3216
Protein 3.2 9.6
Carbohydrates 28.0 84.0
of which sugars 0.5 1.5
Fat 14.0 42.0
of which saturates 3.3 9.9
Fibre 3.1 9.3
Salt 0.47 1.41

Cooking Instructions

Pre-heat the oven to 230°C/220°C Fan/Gas Mark 8.
For best results use a deep edged baking tray without holes and pre-heat the tray for 5 minutes.
Spread a single layer of chips onto a baking tray and pop it into the top of the oven.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, turning them every now and again, until they're lovely, crisp and light golden.


Potatoes (89%), Vegetable Oil (7%) (Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil), Beef Dripping (3%), Salt.

May also contain WHEAT.

Please be aware that our recipes or suppliers may occasionally change to ensure we have the best quality ingredients and flavour for our customers. We try to minimise these changes however more than one recipe could be available at the same time for a specific meal. Therefore, please refer to the label on the meal as this will provide the ingredients and allergens used within that specific recipe. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact your local team. 

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